I'll Cover You Page 7
After Emmy had changed, Kate grabbed her hand and they headed to the basement. Kate couldn’t help but smile at the feeling of Emmy’s fingers laced through her own. It had been something she’d wanted to do for a long time. And the fact that here, in the White House, she was safe, no fear of consequences or reprisal, was liberating. It was a small step and she knew that if this relationship was headed in the direction she hoped it was, there would be a lot of much bigger issues to deal with. But for now, for tonight, she was just going to give in to those happy feelings.
Bowling was a big success. Both chose nicknames for each other to place on the scorecard. Emmy nicknamed Kate “Dimples” and Kate called Emmy “Bad Ass.” Kate, as Emmy quickly discovered, was an absolutely atrocious bowler. She threw gutter ball after gutter ball and even managed to throw the ball backwards, away from the lane, one time. They both had a wonderful time laughing hysterically at Kate’s failed attempts. Finally, Emmy, who was a pretty decent bowler, decided to step in.
“Here, let me show you how to do this,” Emmy said, as she came up behind Kate. She wrapped her arms around her and positioned her body correctly. Emmy then slowly swung Kate’s arm, to show her the proper motion. Kate, however, was a bit distracted by the feel of Emmy’s arms, by the feel of her body pressed against hers, by the warm tickle of Emmy’s breath on her neck. She was so unfocused, that she didn’t notice when Emmy began to lead them through a throw, and was therefore thrown off balance as Emmy attempted to help her bowl. The confusion, combined with the slipperiness of the floor, caused them to collapse, the rogue ball rolling somewhere off to the side, as Kate landed atop Emmy, limbs tangled in a heap. Both women began hysterically laughing, though neither made an attempt to move.
Finally their laughter died down and Emmy looked up into Kate’s bright blue eyes, a look of mirth still playing across her face. She reached up and tucked a stray lock of blonde hair behind Kate’s ear. “You’re a lost cause, I think, Kate,” Emmy said. Something quickly, imperceptibly changed in an instant and their mirth gave way to a heavy silence, pregnant with feelings of arousal and awareness.
Kate’s breath hitched as she looked down into Emmy’s eyes, which were quickly darkening with lust. “Emmaline . . .” She finally whispered. “Let me take you to bed.”
“What happened to wooing me?” Emmy responded, a slight smile on her face.
“Screw that,” Kate said. “You. Me. Bed. Now.”
At a loss for words, incredibly turned on by Kate’s take command attitude, Emmy simply nodded and they rose, headed, hand-in-hand, as quickly as possible back to Kate’s bedroom. In their haste, neither of them noticed Val quietly whistling “Hail to the Chief,” as they passed by, a smirk plastered across her face.
They hurried back towards Kate’s bedroom, fingers intertwined, trying desperately to maintain some limited sense of decorum. After all, the President was never truly alone until she went into her private living quarters. They stood impatiently, waiting for the elevator that would take them up from the basement. Kate couldn’t quite manage to keep her hands to herself, her fingertips playing lightly at the hem of Emmy’s shirt, dancing along her skin, causing goose bumps to erupt across Emmy’s flesh.
Finally, the elevator came and Emmy silently signaled to Val with her eyes that she might not make it out of there alive if she didn’t wait for the next elevator. Val rolled her eyes, but held back. No sooner had the doors closed then Kate was upon Emmy, roughly pushing her against the wall, settling her thigh between Emmy’s legs, pressing against her center. Emmy let out a low moan and ground down onto Kate, as the blonde claimed her lips and tongue with her own. Kate grabbed Emmy by the hips, helping her gain the blessed friction that she so desperately needed.
The ding of the elevator barely managed to cut through their lust-filled haze. Kate pulled Emmy flush against her as she dragged her off the elevator, their lips still locked and her hands roving everywhere. They bounced off a few walls, no longer caring who might bear witness to their exploits, until they finally reached the door to Kate’s bedroom. Attention focused elsewhere, Kate struggled to grasp the doorknob. Finally, smirking, Emmy reached around her and opened the door, both women tumbling through the doorway. As the door slammed shut behind them, Kate pushed Emmy against it, covering her entire body with her own, once again pressing her thigh to Emmy’s heated core, adding the pressure that Emmy wanted, that she so desperately needed.
Emmy’s hands moved the waistband of Kate’s jeans, only to be quickly pushed away. Emmy stopped for a second as Kate attacked her neck with her lips, while her hands roughly ripped open Emmy’s shirt, buttons flying as she pushed the fabric from her shoulders. Emmy again reached for Kate’s pants and Kate pulled away quickly. She gazed into the brunette’s lust-darkened eyes, a fierce look in her piercing baby blues. “Stop!” She said, admiring Emmy’s swollen lips, which were parted and practically begging to be taken again. “Let me do this for you.” Unable to form words, Emmy simply nodded and Kate was upon her again in an instant.
Kate quickly attached her lips to Emmy’s left breast, sucking, licking, biting through the material of her bra, her hands slowly working their way down to Emmy’s pants, undoing them, pushing them off her hips while she transferred her attentions to Emmy’s other breast. Emmy’s back arched into the blonde, her hands pulling at Kate’s shirt. Kate pulled away again, gripping Emmy’s wrists and pressing them against the wall. “Not your turn, Emmaline.” Kate husked. The confident, slightly forceful tone of the President’s voice nearly sent Emmy over the edge right then and there. “I’m going to fuck you. Let me.” Kate whispered before crashing her lips to Emmy’s again, still holding her hands against the wall, lifting her thigh more firmly against Emmy’s soaked center. Emmy couldn’t remember ever being this turned on before. She’d never been this wet in her entire life. As Kate continued to press into her, Emmy let out a low moan and ground down to meet Kate’s thigh.
Unable to take it anymore, Emmy broke away, voice thick with desire as she whispered into Kate’s ear. “Fuck me. Please. I’m begging you.” Satisfied that Emmy would behave herself, Kate released her hands and plunged her fingers down into Emmy’s soaked panties. The second her fingers made contact with Emmy’s slick folds, a stream of uncontrollable moans erupted from the brunette’s gorgeous lips. Emmy wrapped her arms around Kate to steady herself. Kate swiftly entered her and slowly began to build a rhythm as they rocked together against the door, not caring who heard the slamming of their thrusts.
Emmy sighed as she began to feel that all-too-familiar and wonderful sensation of her approaching climax. However, the pleasure was short lived as a series of loud knocks suddenly came from the other side of the door. They groaned and quickly pulled apart, Emmy grabbing the remnants of her shirt and wrapping it around herself, before quickly pulling her pants back up. Kate ran a frustrated hand through her hair before opening the door.
Val quickly stepped inside. “Madame President. Your Chief of Staff is standing right outside the door. Apparently some new crisis has come up. What else is new? Anyway, I told her that you were busy having a serious debate on what position . . . you should take with regards to gay unions, but well, that didn’t seem to work.”
Emmy rolled her eyes. Only Val would have the guts to tease the President of the United States.
Kate simply raised an eyebrow, a bemused look on her face. Seeing that the President hadn’t gotten angry, Val continued. “It’s not that I don’t enjoy listening to the dulcet tones of your sweet, sweet lovin’ but now you’ve got an audience. Perhaps you should go see what Beth wants. I’m not sure if you’re ready for her to know that you’re knocking Presidential boots with Agent McFreaky over there.”
Kate let out a chuckle. Manning was something else. “Thank you, Agent Manning. Let Beth know that I’ll be out in just a few minutes. I need to freshen up a bit.”
After Val left, Kate turned back to Emmy. “I’m so sorry, Emmaline. M
y job . . . it’s just . . .”
Emmy shook her head. “Don’t worry about it and don’t apologize. It’s not like this comes as a surprise. You’re an important, amazing woman, Kate. Go see what Beth wants. Hopefully it’s something quick. And if not, I’ll wait for you. For as long as it takes. I’ll wait for you forever.” She smiled, hoping she hadn’t said too much.
Kate’s heart leapt at Emmy’s words. She’d wait forever . . . Kate smiled as she leaned in and captured Emmy’s lips in a chaste kiss. “Thank you, Emmaline.” She smoothed out her clothes and headed outside, hoping that whatever Beth wanted, it wasn’t urgent. However, she knew it probably was. Beth wasn’t the type to interrupt her private time, especially this late in the evening, with something unimportant.
She stepped out into the hall and was met with the no nonsense, serious gaze of her Chief of Staff, Beth Madden. “I’m sorry Beth, I was just . . . “
Beth held up a staying hand. “Kate, I do not want to, nor need to know about your personal life. Please spare me the details. You are a grown woman, what you do on your own time is not something I care to be privy to. I’ve already heard quite enough for one evening.”
Kate nodded and smiled slightly. She loved this petite dynamo and her attitude. She respected her beyond belief and also genuinely liked her as a person. Bringing her on as Chief of Staff was one of the best decisions she’d ever made. “So what’s up?”
“We’ve got a situation. North Korea is threatening to invade the South again.”
Kate groaned. This was going to be a long night . . . and not the kind of long night she’d thought she’d be having . . . with Emmaline. She smiled weakly. “Give me a minute and I’ll meet you in my office. “
Beth nodded and turned to leave. She turned back. “Oh, and Kate?”
“Whoever it is you’ve got behind that door – make sure you make it up to them later. It sounds like they’re going to be very, very mad at the North Koreans.”
Kate laughed and returned to the bedroom.
Emmy was already dressed, her destroyed shirt replaced with the one she’d worn to work. She had her bag packed and was waiting in a chair nearby. She rose as Kate re-entered.
“Emmaline . . .” Kate began.
Emmy came up and wrapped her arms around Kate’s petite waist, giving her a quick peck on the lips. “Don’t worry about it, Kate. We both know that Beth doesn’t interrupt unless it’s important. You go be your awesome self. We’ll pick this up later.”
“I’m so sorry . . .” Kate began, but was cut off by another kiss from Emmy.
“Don’t be. It’s your job. And you are great at your job. Never apologize.” Emmy looked deep into Kate’s blue eyes. Kate saw the sincerity, the reassurance there and it made her relax instantly. So many of her previous relationships had fizzled because she’d constantly been occupied with work matters. Emmy’s understanding and acceptance amazed her. She was melting, she was falling, she was becoming more and more attached to this woman. It was hard to believe that their relationship, if that’s what they could call it, was so new. She felt so comfortable and safe with Emmy.
“Thank you.” Was all Kate could muster, before leaning up to capture Emmy’s lips in one last kiss. “I’ll see you at work? And we’ll figure out a time to continue this. I promise. For both our sakes.”
Emmy nodded and smiled, grabbing her bag and heading to the door. She turned back. “I can’t wait.” With that, she left and Kate collapsed back onto her bed, taking just a brief moment to revel in the feelings washing over her before slipping back behind her confident and calm Presidential persona.
* * * * *
The next morning, Emmy headed over to her sister’s house to have breakfast with Rachel before starting her shift that afternoon. As she headed up the steps to the house, the door flung open and a mess of dark curls and exuberance ran out to meet her, wrapping her warm, cuddly arms around Emmy’s legs.
“Aunt Emmyeeeee!!” The child cried, excited beyond belief to see her favorite (and only) Aunt.
Emmy bent down and swept the little girl up into her arms. “Hey, Pumpkin! How’s my favorite girl?”
“I’m super. I got a new doll. Do you want to see it?”
“Sure thing, cutie,” Emmy said as she made her way inside.
Emmy set her niece down and smiled affectionately at her. “Come on, Aunt Emmy. My dolly’s in the living room,” the little girl said as she tugged on Emmy’s sleeve.
Emmy’s sister, Rachel, stood there, a bemused look on her face. “Gabby. Give your Aunt a minute, sweetie. She just got here.”
“It’s okay. I really, really want to see this doll. Right, Gabby?” The little girl smiled and nodded. Emmy let Gabby lead her into the next room. After spending sufficient time fawning over Gabby’s new toy, Emmy made her way to the kitchen, where Rachel had food set out at a small table in the breakfast nook.
“Sorry about the ambush,” Rachel said.
Emmy shook her head, smiling. “Don’t worry about it. You know I’m nuts about the little rugrat. She’s got me wrapped thoroughly around her finger.”
Rachel chuckled. They began to eat and made light conversation. “So how’s the job going?” Rachel asked.
Emmy beamed, perhaps a little more broadly than necessary. She nodded her head. “It’s going well. Great actually. Fantastic. I’m loving it.” She said, smiling, as she silently thought about just how much she was loving her job . . . and what it had recently led to.
“Emmy, you’ve been nothing but smiles since you got here. Not that I mind, but I’m used to seeing your tough, badass exterior. What’s up? I mean, it’s great that you’re clearly happy . . . it’s just, well, a bit of a change,” Rachel said, looking at Emmy expectantly.
Emmy shook her head. Leave it to her big sister to sniff out immediately that something was up. She debated what to tell her. She desperately wanted to tell Rachel everything, she wanted to gush. But she and Kate weren’t even officially dating. Not to mention the fact that Kate wasn’t out. Not that she didn’t trust her sister, but she needed to make sure Kate was okay with it before she mentioned anything. “I’m seeing someone.” Emmy finally said.
“And?” Rachel prompted.
Emmy beamed, joy twinkling in her eyes. “It’s good. It’s really good. She’s amazing.”
“So when do I get to meet her?” Rachel asked.
Emmy shook her head. “Not yet. It’s still very new. And it’s complicated.”
“How so?” Rachel asked.
“She’s not out. And I won’t out our relationship to anyone, even to people I trust, until I know that she’s okay with it.”
Rachel nodded. “Fair enough. Just make sure you don’t get burned.”
“I won’t. I trust her. Besides . . .” Emmy was cut off as Gabby came running into the room.
“Aunt Emmyeee!!” She yelled again.
Emmy couldn’t help but laugh at the little girl’s energy.
“Yes, sweetie?”
“It’s my birthday next month. I’m going to be 5.”
“I know, Gabby. I’m going to get you an awesome present, since you’re turning into such a big girl.”
“Aunt Emmy?” Gabby began.
“Yes, sweetie?”
“Can you ask the President to come to my birthday party?”
Emmy laughed. Rachel rolled her eyes. “She’s been telling all of her friends that you know the President. She’s been talking of little else than having President Stewart at her party.”
Rachel ran her hand affectionately through her daughter’s unruly curls. “I keep telling Gabby that you don’t know the President that well and that she’s a very busy lady, that she probably can’t come to the party. Isn’t that right, Gabby?” The little girl nodded.
Emmy’s heart swelled. It was so hard for her to say no to this little girl, but even given her current relationship with Kate, a 5-year-old’s birthday party was probably a tall order. And not
something she’d want to impose upon her this early in their relationship . . . or whatever it was this thing they had going was. “I do know the President, Gabby. But she’s my boss, and like your mom said, is very, very busy. I’m not sure I can ask her to come to your party, but I tell you what? I’ll bring you a present from her for your birthday? How about that?”
That seemed to satisfy the little girl, who nodded excitedly before scampering from the room, eager to get back to her dolls.
“Sorry about that.” Rachel said. “She’s got a one track mind these days.”
Emmy smiled. “It’s okay. I’ll make sure I do something to make her day. I can definitely at least get President Stewart to sign an autograph or write her a quick note.”
“You’re amazing, little sis.”
“I know.” Emmy grinned, silently thinking and hoping about the day, someday, when maybe, just maybe, she’d be able to bring the President to her family gatherings . . . as her girlfriend.